The Next Block - #5. My biggest worry right now is what time to put the beans on.
My biggest worry right now, is what time we should put the beans on.
Just a short walk - if you really needed to you could head back to the car’ Jess told me this prior to the 1.5hours of walking to find this secret spot we would be camping at for the night...
After a eventful 2 days of being on an what felt like a secluded island - with no distractions but a few flies. I was feeling rather disconnected from the ‘outside’ world. It was only 48 hours but that 48 hours had gone rather slow, we sat on the sand. Jess had came and sat next to me and said, ‘my mind feels at ease out here hey, my biggest worry right now is what time to cook dinner.’
Being surrounded by social media and phones a lot, I realised that it took up more mind then I thought. I was relaxed and was at a location that didn’t even make me think about what was happening on my phone. I forgot about everything and everyone. My trip up north so far, has been filled with big days of driving and adventures at every spot so I haven’t been on my phone a whole lot as it is, and being with Optus out here you may as well leave it in the bottom of your bag because your not getting any service on these roads. (Spotify has been getting a workout thought)
We arrived back to a ‘main town’ called pine creek, and again I don’t have service but I’d normally ask Jess to hook me up with some hotspot but I held my self back and decided I’d just wait until I got service or until I knew it was a good time to text mum and let her know I was still alive. I knew I would have messages waiting, and probably important questions to reply to to, but after the past 48 hours I was happy to wait, continuing my mood of feeling ‘disconnected’
Everything you are reading now is thoughts that came to mind as I sit in the local pub with Luke and Jess.
I’ve been wanting to write more blogs over the last few week but I’ve been feeling overwhelmed with the amount of things we have been doing, I’m struggling to keep up. So I think while I’m on the road, i might set a side goal of doing weekly blocks of writing to keep up to date with writing down what goes through my mind as I explore through life and what it gives me.