The Next Block #6 - This. This is what excites me.
I’ve said it before - but this time I think I mean it; I have found my favourite spot from this trip. I think what I love so much about it is the adventure it was to get too.
A lot of spots up here are well signed or there’s a nice path that you can just stroll on through, but this one wasn’t all that well signed or pathed. Butterfly Gorge is the name of the location, or what I call it, The Adventure Park.
After walking through three river crossings knowing that fresh water crocs are in there, your heart beat goes up a bit. But then reminding myself fresh water crocs won’t actually do anything unless you touch them? So we’ve been told…
The excitement that I get from life, especially when we arrive to locations like these, is what I thrive on. I thrive on my own hype to what I am able to discover and see. The feeling of freedom and gratitude that where I live is genuinely paradise. A big kid just running around the top end of Australia. I also struggle to get into words the feeling I am consumed with when we get to places like these. We see so many photos on instagram of these ‘dreamy’ places and it just doesn’t do half of them justice. I can’t recommend enough the value of what travelling can do for someone and I struggle to comprehend why some people don’t want to travel or see their own backyard.
I’ve always been the first one to jump on a plane and forget about Australia. But I think just maybe it might be time to buy another Troopy and hit the road again.
The next few days we are parked up at a place called Robin Falls. A free camp an hour or two out of Darwin and again no service. It was our last spot before we head to the ‘big smoke’ of Darwin city. This time was well used editing and organising our lives a bit.
I’ve enjoyed the last 7 days. It’s been a wild adventure, and I’ve been enjoying writing the last few blogs… finally. I was feeling overwhelmed with all that we were doing, as I said previously, and I’ve enjoyed writing more on a single highlight or challenge of the week.
I hope this encourages you to go on an adventure or just do something you’ve never done, and remind yourself about what makes you thrive.